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Copyright 2019 Tax Lien Certificates For Sale By Owner: Tax Lien Sales. All Rights Reserved.

Have you lost a large percentage of your investment funds over the past three years because of the real estate crash and/or the stock market crash? Are you still keeping what is left of your investment money in an FDIC insured bank account that offers you a miniscule return of a fraction of a percent on your money? If you are or were investing your money in one or all of these three arenas, then you know what I am talking about.

Most investors have had their investment money reduced substantially and are desperately searching for a place to invest what is left of their money that not only offers a great safety net to protect what they have, but also offers a rate of return averaging 12% to 18% apy. This sounds kind of wild and risky to the average person, but the risk is very minimal and the rate of returns are fantastic. These little known investments are known as Tax Certificates or Tax Lien Certificates.

The average person usually asks 'what is a tax certificate?' A Tax Certificate is a lien placed on a person's real estate property when the property owner does not pay his/her yearly property taxes. When a property owner does not pay his/her real estate property taxes, the county will place a lien on that person's real estate property and issue a Tax Lien Certificate. The Tax Certificate represents the outstanding taxes on the property. Several states allow the tax certificate to become a first lien on the property. If the tax lien certificate is not redeemed by the property owner then the county sells the tax lien certificate at a county held tax certificate public auction sale. After placing a successful bid on tax lien certificates, the buyers of a county government issued tax lien certificate will then get one of two things: either a state-mandated yield up to 18% APY from the tax lien certificate, which the delinquent taxpayer must pay in order to release the tax lien, or Title to the property after a certain amount of time if the delinquent taxpayer fails to pay his/her property taxes.

Real estate has lost about 20% of its peak value over the last three years, but this has very little affect on Tax Certificates. Most Tax Certificates are priced at about 1/2% to 5% of the real estate properties true value. The real estate itself is the security that the Tax Lien Certificate and its high interest amount will be paid by the property owner or another interested party. If the taxes are not paid then the property will be auctioned off by the county at a county Tax Deed auction. Currently most Tax Certificates have an annual yield between 12% and 18%. The percentage amount is set by each individual investor during the county held auction and is the minimum percentage apy the investor is willing to receive.

Most of the Tax Certificates issued to investors are redeemed by the property owner or other interested parties over a period between three months and three years. The property owner must pay the investor's original investment he/she paid to acquire the tax certificate plus all the accumulated interest money due to the investor and to the issuing county before the lien is released from the property. Usually within 7 to 10 days, the issuing county mails the investor a check (with all past due interest) to the investor's mailing address. The investor usually has a very passive investment (basic accounting and cashing the check are all that is required). Many counties also offer direct deposits, which makes it very user friendly for the investors of Tax Lien Certificates.

Where Can the Average Person Put His or Her Money & Get a Very Sizable Return With Very Little Risk?
 by Robbie Davis